Lost in Translation: Pee Cola

Very popular in Ghana, “pee” means (locally, at any rate) “very good”. I doubt they have many tourists trying the local drink.

LIT - extremely popular soda, which is bottled in Ghana, means -very good Cola


Filed under Humor, Images, Mistranslations, Obscurities, Translations

12 responses to “Lost in Translation: Pee Cola

  1. Kinda like trying to sell a Chevy Nova in Mexico…”no va” in Spanish loosely translates to “doesn’t go.”

  2. Yep! It pays in international marketing to either be bilingual or (at the very least) aware that there are language pitfalls out there where one least expects them! 😉

  3. Would YOU try it? 😉

  4. If you were beside me to interpret, yes, I’d try it. On my own? I doubt it.

  5. Is that like eppel pee at McDonalds? (over here in Gutenberg land, you don’t say it that way, you don’t get it.)

  6. Over there “in Gutenberg land”… let me see: Would that be Germany, Liechtenstein, or Austria? Or is that on the moon? 😉

  7. Russians usually burst into hysterical laugh traveling through Hialeah (Hispanic part of Miami) when they see a joyeria (jewelery store) on every block. What it means in Russian is not mentioned in polite society, but it has to do with male reproductive organs.

  8. That gave me a good laugh! Thanks for sharing it!

  9. My pleasure; yours is hilarious as well!

  10. Pingback: Your Food Business Needs to Avoid These Common Naming Mistakes if it Must Succeed - Arishtam India

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