Category Archives: Humor

Winter Visitor

I’m curious to know how many of you who read this have had Covid once or multiple times. If you’re okay with sharing that, please comment below.

I first had C-19 from March 2020 to November 2021, so “Long Covid”. Since then, I’ve had two other strains, and continue to have what I refer to as “flare days” – those days when energy suddenly takes a nosedive, joints ache and a splitting migraine suddenly shoots up from the base of my skull (and no medication has ever made a dent in those headaches – they’re 24 hours long).

It’s difficult to know if those tiny little viruses have just made my immune system oversensitive to winter bugs, or if it has to do with other health issues, but whatever the cause, I’ve been sick for 3 weeks flat. I’ve spent most of my time and energy coughing and breathing. Before it began, I had half of an interesting blog written, and I will post it as soon as I have energy enough to focus on research and complex thoughts again.

As you can imagine, being sick over Christmas and New Year put a damper on social engagements; fortunately, we didn’t have many appointments to cancel. Our Christmas was a quiet one; my husband and I exchanged gifts, but this year we did something different: We re-gave gifts. In the past, for instance, if we received several books at Christmas, we might not have had time to read all of them; I chose a few books I knew my husband would enjoy and dropped them into eco-friendly cloth gift bags (I made a variety of sizes that we use instead of wrapping paper). It was fun to see what each other chose. My husband raided my craft room and gave me random craft items! We enjoyed the fun, without the need to find, buy and add new items to our home.

I hope you had a healthy and happy Christmas and New Year’s Eve / Day! I hope you’ve not had the “winter visitor” of flus, bronchitis or Corona (other than the Mexican beer kind!), and that you stay healthy through the rest of the wintery season (if you’re in the northern hemisphere – if you’re in the southern, enjoy the warmth before your rainy season kicks in!).

I will post as soon as I can finish the article! In the meantime, just for a smile:


Filed under Humor, Just for Fun, Musings

Just for Fun


December 23, 2022 · 6:32 PM

Wordless: Followers


May 4, 2022 · 2:58 PM

Just for Fun: Back to the Office

I don’t know what the current situation is like where you live, but here in Switzerland, Covid restrictions were officially lifted 17 February; that means that, if people want to, they can return to their desk jobs rather than working from home. My husband used to say that he’d never like working from home because he liked the stimulation of the office; but after working nearly 2 years from a cushy home office a few steps away from the kitchen and the coffee machine and home-cooked lunches, he’s decided to do half-weeks from home. Someone from work sent him a funny skit by Foil Arms & Hog, an Irish comedy group, about returning to the office. Just click on the image below! Enjoy!


Filed under Articles, Humor, YouTube Link

Just for Fun: Far Side

1 Comment

February 16, 2022 · 3:11 PM

Just for Fun: Off the Mark Advent

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December 3, 2021 · 6:34 PM

Imagination is a Superpower

I’ve taught English as a foreign language for adults for years, from the age of 13 up until Covid put such gatherings on hold. I would often use some kind of exercise that allowed students to think outside of their normal lives, to stretch their vocabulary and to practice speaking and forming sentences outside of their comfort zone. I once had a nursing student, meeting as a semi-private student with another fellow nurse, who categorically refused to do any exercises requiring a make-believe scenario; she called herself a “realist”. Despite reasoning with her, or her friend asking her to participate so that she could learn more, she refused. I found it frustrating as a teacher, but I found it tragic as a writer and creative thinker.

Thinking outside of the box and thinking creatively stretches our brains in extraordinary ways; it promotes creative problem solving, allows us to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes for a moment, and can help us view a situation from several different angles. By thinking into fictitious scenarios, we learn something about ourselves along the way – those things that make us tick, our strengths, or our weaknesses.

For years, I’ve collected interesting writing prompts whenever I’ve come across them; it’s going down the proverbial rabbit hole to follow leads on the internet, but because I’ve collected them willy-nilly, I can’t tell you exactly where they originated – it’s a common problem with online research, and as often as I can, I try to give proper credit to images that I use if they’re not my own; the people out there who offer their creative perspectives, photography talents, or Photoshop skills deserve credit where credit’s due. But it’s one reason that I don’t often share such prompts here, for those of you following who are also writers. Another reason is that there are enough sites out there stuffed to the gills with prompts. What I would like to do today is share an exercise in imagination.

Albert Einstein quotes run rampant on the internet; without a reference book to know what he actually said, I feel that many of them fall into this category:

Having said that, sometimes you can gather the essence of what he probably said by reading “diagonally” through the supposed quotes, and one such sentiment is that Einstein said something like, “Imagination is more important that knowledge; knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world.” Mark Twain once wrote*, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” [* Excerpt from his Complete Works] (By the by, if you’d like more Mark Twain wit, I wrote an article about his views on Switzerland, and the German language – just click here.)

So here’s something to exercise your imagination with:

You have the choice between flight and invisibility; which do you choose and why? What will you do with this superpower?

I’d love to hear your answers in the comments below!


Filed under Articles, Humor, Images, Musings, Quotes, Research, Writing Exercise, Writing Prompt

Just for Fun: Nothing Happened

I don’t know where this is, or who took the photo, but someone’s got a great sense of humour!


Filed under Humor, Just for Fun, Signs

Wordless: Working from Home


March 10, 2021 · 3:24 PM

No Comment: 2021

(Source: Pinterest)


Filed under Humor, Images, No Comment/Wordless